13th June 2017
Northern Trust (www.northerntrust.co.uk) is pleased to announce that it has added circa 90,000 sq ft of industrial accommodation to its North East portfolio as well as a development site of circa 5 acres.
Units 15A-G, covering 38,890 sq ft and Units 32A & B were recently purchased at Consett, taking Northern Trust’s ownership on the prestigious Number One Industrial Estate to over 460,000 sq ft. Units 15A-G are currently undergoing a substantial refurbishment program and the block is available to let as a whole or in separate units ranging from 5,188 sq ft.
In addition a 40,000 sq ft warehouse unit at 1 Paulsway in Bede was purchased adding to Northern Trust’s substantial holding in Jarrow. The unit forms part of a 5.5 acre site prominently located on the A185 Straker Street, close to its junction with the A19 at the southern entrance to the Tyne Tunnel and provides Northern Trust with opportunities to expand their portfolio further via new development.
Tom Parkinson, Director at Northern Trust commented “We have been long term investors in the North East and are pleased to have secured these acquisitions which complement our existing ownership in the region. We continue to look for opportunities to grow our portfolio in all our trading regions across the Midlands, North-West, North-East, Yorkshire and Scotland.”
Northern Trust’s existing property portfolio comprises more than 200 individual industrial, trade and office parks, and over 3,600 individual units. The portfolio is actively managed by Northern Trust’s in-house surveying practice, Whittle Jones Chartered Surveyors (www.whittlejones.com), who have regional offices in the Birmingham, Chorley, Wakefield and Newcastle.
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Notes to Editors:
Press Enquiries; Northern Trust/Whittle Jones: Rosalyn Godsmark, 01257 238555 or rgodsmark@lyntonhouse.com
12th August 2024
18th July 2024