


24th September 2014

Northern Trust Company Ltd is bringing forward proposals for a mixed use development on land to the east of Netherfield, known as Teal Close. The plans, which were recently on display at Carlton Town Football Club and the St George’s Centre in Netherfield, are for 830 new homes (including much-needed affordable properties) and include new sports pitches, employment land, a hotel, a community hub and primary school, biodiversity enhancements and highways improvements. The proposals, worth £96m, could create around 700 long-term jobs in a sustainable location and will help to provide affordable properties for key workers.   


Over 160 people attended the public exhibition events where the plans were on display and many provided feedback which will influence the final proposals. Northern Trust is now working to prepare a planning application, incorporating the community’s feedback, which will be submitted to Gedling Borough Council in May.


A Northern Trust spokesperson said: "We’re grateful to everyone who has provided their feedback as part of our consultation process, both at the exhibitions and via our dedicated website and email address. The proposals will bring major benefits to the local community, not least through new jobs, sports pitches and community facilities. We will now take into account people’s views when preparing our planning application and we look forward to working with the community as the plans progress. Please keep checking the website for further updates."


 The website containing more information on the proposals  is www.tealclose.co.uk.




Notes to Editors:

Press Enquiries; Lexington Communications: 

Sarah Atta:          0161 711 0300 sarah.atta@lexcomm.co.uk

Matthew Crisp: 0161 711 0300 matthew.crisp@lexcomm.co.uk

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